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Sonus Eterna
To Make Unknown Music Sound
Sonus Eterna is a classical music label that focuses on releasing unknown masterpieces of music from all eras.
This applies both to rarely performed works by well-known composers and to works by as yet unknown or forgotten composers who have not yet found their permanent place in the concert repertoire.
These are compositions that are convincing in their musical value.

First recording
Gordon Sherwood - The Complete Songs, Vol. II
The second CD of the first recording of the complete works of the contemporary American composer Gordon Sherwood;
Soprano: Felicitas Breest
Piano: Masha Dimitrieva

New release
Ludwig van Beethoven, Diabelli Variations
Debut CD by Spartak Margaryan (piano)
Featured Releases
"Classic in the Air" Festival at Munich Airport, 2019
More information on:
Felicitas Breest (soprano) and Masha Dimitrieva (piano) presented several songs by composer Gordon Sherwood. Among them the song that recalls the legendary contest “Rumble in the Jungle” and victory of Muhammed Ali against George Foreman in 1974 in Kinshasa (Zaire, today Democratic Republic of Congo).
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